Hekate Ritual Oil - Seven Sisters
Hekate Ritual Oil by Seven Sisters.
"Hail Many Named Mother of the Gods
Hail Mighty Hecate of the Threshold"
This ritual oil contains herbs and resins sacred to Hecate. Steeped for three moons, draped in black and gently stirred in prayer to the Dark Mother, Queen of Witches.
"Shape the course of our life with luminous light,
And make it laden with good things"
HeKate is a the goddess of witchcraft. She is the keeper of the keys and guardian of the veil. She is the protector of women, of the household and anything newly born. She is of the crossroads, and the Underworld. Of the moon, magick, and necromancy. Standing between the worlds as guide and guard, She is the Hedge Rider and the Boundary crosser.
Bull headed, snake headed, dog headed, goat headed. HeKate throughout history has taken many forms. It is said that her coming is marked by the howling of dogs.
Use this oil any time you need to call upon Her in your magickal containers. To use: anoint yourself, consecrate your tools of ritual, talismans charms etc. and is a most welcomed "food" for your statues and effigies.
Contains: Mugwort, Mint, Dandelion root , Lavender, Willow, Myrrh, Poppy Seeds, trace amount of Henbane.
Small batch as always.
30ml Amber Dropper Bottle