Familiars in Witchcraft - Wed. May 25th

Familiars in Witchcraft - Wed. May 25th

  • $43.32
    Unit price per 

- Familiars in Witchcraft - 

In this class we will discuss animals and similar spirits that are summoned and connected to you, spiritually. They are often enigmatic, with very mixed opinions concerning them if they are mentioned at all.

In this class we will look at familiars and similar types of beings across many traditions, their history and folklore. We will discuss these in a practice, how to approach them and utilize them, along with practices to actively incorporate them into your daily work.

"I come, Graymalkin!"
First Witch, Macbeth


90 min lecture - $30/person
Wednesday May 25th 7:00-8:30pm
Thorn & Moon Apothecary
113 E. 24th Street #A
Houston TX 77008
Class taught by Roy Williams, local pagan historian and heathen reconstructionist
*Only 12 spots available*